Selling a house with Artex Ceilings – Everything you need to know.
Selling a house with Artex ceilings can be a challenging task. Artex, a textured coating commonly used (popular decorating choice in UK houses in the 1970s) on ceilings in the past, can be a turnoff for budding buyers due to its outdated look and potential health hazards associated with asbestos. However, with the right approach, it’s possible to sell your home with Artex ceilings without compromising on the price. In this blog post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about selling a house with Artex ceilings, including how to prepare your home for sale, the potential impact on the value of your home, and how to deal with Artex-containing asbestos.
- How Do you Sell a House with Artex Ceilings?
- Do you Need to Remove Artex Ceilings?
- What you Must Know about Asbestos in Artex Ceilings
- Sampling and testing Artex for asbestos
- Removing Artex Ceilings with Asbestos
- Does Artex Ceilings Devalue a House?
- Is it Illegal to Sell a House With Artex Ceilings in the UK?
- Do I Have to Remove or Disguise my Artex Ceiling in Order to Sell My House?
- Use a chemical such as X-tex or Fuze’s Artex Remover
How Do you Sell a House with Artex Ceilings?
To sell a house with a textured ceiling, you need to take certain steps to prepare your home for sale. These include:
Be transparent about the ceilings: Disclose the presence of Artex/textured ceilings to potential buyers in advance. This will help them make an informed decision and avoid any surprises.
- Determine the condition: Before listing your home, it’s important to assess the condition of any textured ceilings. If it’s damaged or in poor condition, you may need to consider repairing or replacing it to make it more appealing to possible buyers.
- Get an asbestos survey: Before putting your home on the market, it’s a good idea to get a full asbestos survey done. This will determine whether or not your Artex ceilings contain asbestos and give buyers peace of mind. It will also find any other sources of the potential health hazard from asbestos in places like flue pipes, roof shingles and corrugated roofing.
- Make necessary repairs: If there are any cracks or damage to the ceiling, it’s important to have it repaired before listing your home. Consider painting over the Artex: Painting over textured ceilings can help to modernize their appearance and make them less noticeable. However, it’s important to use appropriate paint and techniques to ensure a smooth finish.
- Consider removing the Artex ceiling: If the textured ceiling is outdated or unappealing to buyers, you may want to consider removing it. This can be a costly and time-consuming process, but it can increase the value of your home and make it more attractive to buyers.
- Highlight other features of your home: While the ”popcorn ceiling‘ may be a concern for some buyers, it’s important to highlight other features of your home that make it attractive. This could include updated appliances, hardwood floors, or a large backyard.
- Price your home competitively: Pricing your home competitively is key to selling it quickly. Be sure to consider the condition of the Artex ceiling when setting your price, but also take into account the overall condition of your home and the property market.
By taking these steps, you can increase your chances of selling your home quickly, even with Artex ceilings. Remember that every buyer is different, and what one person may see as a negative feature could be viewed positively by another.
Do you Need to Remove Artex Ceilings?
It is not always necessary to remove Artex ceilings when selling a house. However, if the Artex contains asbestos, removing Artex ceilings can modernize the appearance of a home and make it more appealing to prospective buyers. If you decide to remove Artex ceilings, it’s important to hire a professional who is trained in asbestos removal and has the necessary equipment to do so safely. Many will have experience with artex removal.
If your Artex ceilings are in good condition and do not contain asbestos, there is no immediate need to remove them. However, keep in mind that textured ceilings can be a dated feature that may deter some buyers. Painting over the Artex or covering it with plasterboard are other options that can give your ceiling a new look without removing it entirely.
Ultimately, the decision to remove Artex ceilings depends on personal preference and the condition of the ceiling. If you’re unsure whether or not your Artex ceiling contains asbestos, consider getting an asbestos survey done before making any decisions about removal.
What you Must Know about Asbestos in Artex Ceilings
Asbestos was commonly used in Artex ceilings prior to the ban on its use in the UK in 1999. It was popular in the 1970s and 1980s for ceilings and walls. Many Artex coatings contained asbestos fibers, which were mixed with other materials to create the textured finish.
If your home was built before 1999, there is a possibility that the Artex ceiling may contain asbestos. Asbestos is a hazardous material that can cause serious health problems if inhaled, so it’s important to take precautions if you plan to remove or disturb an Artex ceiling that may contain asbestos.
It’s important to note that if the Artex ceiling is in good condition and not disturbed, it poses little risk of releasing asbestos fibers into the air. However, if the ceiling is damaged or needs to be removed for renovation or repair work, it’s crucial to hire a licensed professional who specializes in asbestos removal. If you suspect that your Artex ceiling contains asbestos, do not attempt to remove it yourself.
It’s recommended to have a professional asbestos survey done before attempting any work on an Artex ceiling. If asbestos is found, it’s important to hire a licensed asbestos removal contractor to safely remove it. If you plan to leave the Artex ceiling in place, it’s generally safe as long as it’s not disturbed or damaged. However, it’s always best to consult with a professional to assess the safety of your specific situation.
Sampling and testing Artex for asbestos
If you suspect that your Artex ceiling contains asbestos, it’s important to have it sampled and tested by a licensed professional. Here are the steps involved in sampling and testing Artex for asbestos:
- Hire a licensed professional: Asbestos removal and testing should only be done by professionals who are licensed and trained in handling asbestos safely.
- Sampling: The professional will very small samples of the Artex coating from different areas of the ceiling using a special tool. They will then place the samples in a sealed container to prevent any fibres from being released into the air.
- Laboratory testing: The samples will be sent to a laboratory for analysis. The lab will use specialized equipment to determine if there are any asbestos fibres present in the sample.
- Results: Once the lab results are available, the professional will inform you of whether or not your Artex ceiling contains asbestos.
Only use a licensed professional.
Removing Artex Ceilings with Asbestos
If you have gotten a survey and you are looking at the removal of asbestos in textured plaster with a licensed contractor.
Here are the steps involved in removing artex ceiling removal with asbestos:
- Hire a licensed professional: Asbestos removal should only be done by professionals who are licensed and trained in handling asbestos safely.
- Preparation: The area around the ceiling will need to be sealed off with plastic sheeting to prevent any dust or debris from escaping into other parts of the building. The professional will also wear protective clothing, including a respirator mask.
- Wetting down the ceiling: It is important to keep plaster wet with water to help prevent any (dry asbestos particles from becoming airborne during the removal process.
- Removal: The professional will carefully remove the asbestos coating using specialized tools and techniques designed to minimize (wet removal systems) fiber release. The removed material will be placed in sealed containers for safe disposal.
- Cleanup: Once all of the coatings has been removed, the area will be thoroughly cleaned using specialized vacuum cleaners that are designed to capture even tiny particles of asbestos fibers.
- Final inspection: After cleanup is complete, a final inspection will be conducted to ensure that all traces of asbestos have been completely removed from the area.
Removing Artex ceilings with asbestos is a complex process that should only be done by professionals who are licensed and trained in handling asbestos safely.
Does Artex Ceilings Devalue a House?
The presence of Artex ceilings in a house does not necessarily devalue the property. However, if the Artex coating contains asbestos, it may affect the value of the property and make it more difficult to sell.
If your Artex ceiling does not contain asbestos, it’s unlikely to have any impact on the value of your home. We get asked ‘do artex ceilings put buyers off’ well, some homeowners may see it as a desirable feature that adds character and texture to their home. if the Artex is removed and the ceiling is made smooth and modern, it could increase the value of the house. Ultimately, the impact on the value of the house depends on the preferences of buyers and the overall condition of the property.
Artex ceilings themselves do not necessarily devalue a house, the presence of asbestos in the coating can have an impact on its value and marketability. If you’re unsure whether or not your Artex ceiling contains asbestos, it’s important to have it sampled and tested by a licensed professional before putting your home on the market.
Is it Illegal to Sell a House With Artex Ceilings in the UK?
It is not illegal to sell a house with Artex ceilings in the UK, as long as the plaster coating does not contain asbestos. However, if you have asbestos and you fail to disclose this information to anyone looking into buying the house, you could be held liable (Property Misdescriptions Act) for any health risks associated with exposure to asbestos.
Under UK law, sellers are required to disclose any known defects or issues with the property that could affect its value or marketability. This includes disclosing any presence of asbestos in the home. Failing to do so could result in legal action being taken against you by the buyer.
In conclusion, while it is not illegal to sell a house with Artex ceilings in the UK, it is important (and legal) to declare asbestos in the coating or house to buyers. If you’re unsure whether or not your Artex ceiling contains asbestos, it’s best to have it tested by a licensed professional before putting your home on the market.
Do I Have to Remove or Disguise my Artex Ceiling in Order to Sell My House?
No, you are not required by law to remove or disguise your Artex ceiling in order to sell your house. However, you may want to consider the impact it could have on prospective buyers and the sale price of your home.
If the Artex is in good condition and not affecting the value of your home, you may choose to leave it as is or consider disguising it with textured paint or ceiling tiles.
Ultimately, the decision to remove or disguise your Artex ceiling will depend on personal preference and the current market trends in your area. It’s important to keep in mind that any changes you make should be done with the intention of enhancing the appeal and value of your home for house hunters.
Use a chemical such as X-tex or Fuze’s Artex Remover
X-tex and Fuze’s Artex Remover are two examples of chemicals that can be used to remove Artex ceilings. These chemicals (or similar chemical gel) work by softening the texture of the plaster, making it easier to scrape off with a tool. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully when using these products, as they can be dangerous if not used properly. The gel helps keep the dissolved Artex stable for removal.
Additionally, it is important to note that if your Artex ceiling contains asbestos, it should not be removed using a chemical method, as this can release asbestos fibers into the air. In this case, it is recommended to hire a professional asbestos removal company.
Will having Artex ceilings affect the value of my home?
Having textured ceilings may affect the value of your home, but it depends on various factors such as the age of the property, the condition of the ceilings, and the current market demand. Some buyers may see textured ceilings as outdated or unappealing and may factor in the cost of removing them when making an offer. On the other hand, some buyers may appreciate the unique character that textured ceilings can bring to a property. Ultimately, the impact of textured ceilings on your home’s value will depend on individual circumstances.
Can I cover textured ceilings with paint or wallpaper?
Yes, you can cover textured ceilings with paint or wallpaper. This is a common method used to update the look of a room without having to remove the plaster coating. Flat or matte finishes work best for textured surfaces like Artex because they help to minimize the appearance of imperfections. If using wallpaper, it’s recommended to use lining paper first to create a smooth base for the wallpaper to adhere to.
If there is no asbestos you could also get the ceiling plastered to cover over the textured coatings by a professional plasterer. They’ll normally use a smoothing filler.
Are there any safety concerns associated with Artex ceilings?
Yes, there are safety concerns associated with textured ceilings, especially those that were installed before the year 2000. This is because some artex/textured coatings may contain asbestos fibers.
What are some cost-effective ways to improve the appearance of Artex ceilings before selling?
There are several cost-effective ways to improve the appearance of Artex ceilings before selling your home. Here are a few ideas:
- Paint: One of the easiest and most affordable ways to update an Artex ceiling is to paint it. A fresh coat of paint can make a big difference in the overall look of a room.
- Cover with lining paper: Another option is to cover the Artex ceiling with lining paper, which will create a smooth surface for painting or wallpapering over. This is a particularly good option if the Artex coating has been damaged or is in poor condition.
- Skim coat: A skim coat involves applying a thin layer of plaster over the Artex coating to create a smooth surface. This can be done by a professional or as a DIY project, but it’s important to note that it can be messy and time-consuming.
- Install ceiling tiles: Ceiling tiles are another option for covering up an Artex ceiling. They come in various styles and materials, including polystyrene and PVC, and can be easily installed using adhesive.
- Decorate around the Artex: If you don’t want to cover up the Artex ceiling, you can try decorating around it instead. For example, you could hang pendant lights or install crown molding to draw attention away from the textured surface. A good cleaning can also help remove dust and light debris and help.
Do I need to disclose the presence of Artex ceilings to potential buyers?
As a seller, you are required by law to disclose any known defects or hazards in the property to anyone buying a house. While Artex ceilings themselves are not considered a defect, they can potentially contain asbestos which is a hazard. Therefore, if you know or suspect that your Artex ceiling contains asbestos, you must disclose this information to prospective buyers.
How do I address concerns about asbestos in Artex ceilings when selling my house?
If you are selling a house that has Artex ceilings, it’s important to address any concerns. Here are some steps you can take:
- Get the ceiling tested: The first step is to have the Artex ceiling tested for asbestos by a licensed professional. This will give you a clear idea of whether or not there is asbestos present in the coating.
- Disclose the results: If the test comes back positive for asbestos, you must disclose this information to buyers. Under UK law, sellers are required to provide full disclosure of any known defects or hazards in the property.
- Provide documentation: Be sure to keep copies of all documentation related to the testing and removal of any asbestos-containing materials. This will provide proof that you took appropriate action and will help reassure would-be buyers.
- Offer solutions: If there is asbestos present in your Artex ceiling, consider offering solutions to buyers such as removal or surface coating covering with e.g. lining paper or ceiling tiles.
- Be transparent: Finally, be transparent with buyers about the risks associated with asbestos exposure and provide them with resources where they can learn more about how to safely handle it if necessary.