What is thermal bridging?
Thermal bridgingÂ
With the looming energy crisis, every household is aiming for maximum energy efficiency. We think about insulation and full washing machine loads but it is important to look at the big picture. Look at the building elements and determine the total heat loss. As an example – the heat rises so not insulated roofs may cause additional heat losses. There is one more often overlooked problem – a thermal bridge.
As a homeowner, your goal is to keep as much heat inside your property as possible. There may be an invisible route to the heat escaping your house. You may have not come across the technical term: thermal bridging. Even though it sounds like a secret builder’s knowledge it is actually really simple. Thermal bridges or cold bridges – as some builders call them are just building flaws where there is a gap in the insulation layer interrupting the heat flow. The example often given by specialists is – imagine putting a rod through the whole width of the wall. That rod with break the continuous insulation and will cause a thermal break. That break, causing heat loss will be a thermal bridge. Another reason for a thermal bridge happening is when building materials used are not conducting enough heat, which causes a change in the surface temperature.